/Ii/ is for Inspiration

According to the dictionary, the word inspiration can relate to ideas, to admiration of a person, or it can have a medical or biological meaning as in the act of breathing in.

We can draw inspiration from someone or something and apply it to make our lives better or more fulfilled, or to help us to achieve our goals. It doesn’t have to come from someone famous or be a light bulb moment but come quietly from the everyday. It might be the man down the street who has a physical disability, yet exercises every day, that inspires us to get up each morning and do the same. Or the nonagenarian that cares for his wife, mows his lawn, shops and walks his dog each afternoon that inspires us to stop grumbling about minor aches and pains and how much we have to do, but instead embrace life and be grateful for the years we’ve had and those that are still to come.

It might be the sun that sets over the ocean or a walk through a nature reserve that inspires our creativity. Or it could be a book we read that changes our perspective on life and inspires us to have the courage to do something different.

The things that inspire me are probably different from the things that inspire you as we all have different interests, priorities and goals.

And what about people we admire? What makes them an inspiration to us? One of the most inspiring stories I have read is that of Eddie Jaku, a Holocaust survivor. Eddie was encouraged to write his story, which was not published until he was 100 years old, and is titled The Happiest Man on Earth. There are many inspiring lessons to learn from this humble, courageous, kind, compassionate peace campaigner who chose happiness.

While we can take inspiration for ourselves from many different sources and situations, it’s another thing to be able to inspire others. What personality traits does an inspirational person possess? If you are interested in finding out more there are lots of articles about this subject that can be found on the Internet. Generally, inspirational people are authentic, committed and positive, and they genuinely want to encourage and uplift others.

I also think that many ordinary people have no idea that they are an inspiration to others – unless they’re told! They’re probably too busy getting on with life and being committed to the cause that they love, unaware that just by living their lives they are inspiring others.

Where do you draw inspiration from? Is there someone that has inspired your life? Have you inspired someone? If you’d like to share your story, I’d love to hear it.

Next time /Nn/

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